La classe de 

Mme Marchbank 1A

Sherwood Elementary 2023-2024

May 3, 2024: We said "au revoir to Mme Sarah this week! We will miss her but will see her again, as she is booked to substitute teach in our class for a couple of days in June. We have really enjoyed having her complete her B.Ed practicum with us and wish her well as she begins her teaching career! We continue doing lots of writing every day and  learned that partners can help us with our writing, by asking questions so that we expand our ideas and add more detail. In math we are working on measurement, and are comparing various classroom objects while learning about mass, surface area and capacity. 

Gaga ball at recess! 

Au revoir Mme Sarah! 

Partners can help us with storytelling

Writer's workshop: Editing with a partner

By asking questions, partners can help us to add  more detail to our writing!

April 26, 2024: This was Earth Week at Sherwood School and we learned about some ways that we can help our planet.  We participated in a daily "Name that bird" contest, and did some  reading, writing and art based on the Earth Day topic. It was fantastic to see so many students using reusable containers for our litterless lunch on Wednesday! Many kids created zero waste with their snack and lunch! Bravo!  We continue to learn and practice new reading strategies each week and we practice "phonological awareness" daily.  We participate in "writer's workhop" daily and are writing some great stories. In math, we are exploring  non-standard measurement and will be comparing objects of different lengths, areas, capacities and masses.

Reader's workshop: Reading with a partner

Reading with a friend helps improve fluency!

"Shake and Spill" (Secoue et Renverse) to practice different combinations of 10.

We are learning about measurement and are comparing the lengths of various classroom objects.

Writer's workshop: First we thinking of an idea, then we make a plan. We touch each page, and we say out loud the words we are going to write. 

Then we finish the planning stage by sketching our ideas on each page

Next we write following the proper structure for the personal narrative genre.

Then we share what we have written and we will continue writing tomorrow! 

"How to write a story"

"Mental math strategies"

April 19, 2024: This week we continued with problem solving in math and Lucy Calkin's "small moments" unit of study on personal narrative writing. We enjoy our "writers workshop" every day and the children are writing some fantastic personal narratives.  We learned that writers don't write about big "watermelon" topics, but they write about tiny "seed" stories. These are little stories inside of one big topic. We begin with a mini lesson, then we practice what we have learned during independent writing. Afterwards we share what we have written! I'm very proud of their progress. Earth day is approaching and we have been discussing small actions that we can take to help our planet. We also completed a beautiful coffee filter art project for "Earth Day."  Beginning on April 22, Madame Sarah will be taking over the majority of the teaching duties as her time with us is growing short! Thank you for your donations to Easter Seals. Our class raised $43.50 on hat and jersey day. If you would still like to donate, it is not too late. Donations can be sent in any day next week! Thank you for your support. 

Angling season has arrived and we are fishing for high-frequency words!

Caught one! 

New math game: "Je vois 10!/I see 10!"

Sorting addition equations with a friend

"Make 10" solitaire game

Finding the pairs that equal 10

Read aloud with Mme Sarah

J'aime ma planète!

Coffee filter Earth day project. We used toothbrushes to create a "splatter" effect for the background.

We coloured coffee filters with markers and then sprayed them with water to watch the colours spread! 

The end result is a beautiful planet Earth! 

Using a bookmark or finger while reading can help to us read without skipping words. 

Easter Seals fundraiser: Hat and Jersey day! Thank you for your donations! Our class raised $44.50 for Easter Seals

April 12, 2024:  This week's main event and topic of discussion was, of course, the solar eclipse! We created a simple, yet very effective eclipse-themed  art project using a cup and some smudged chalk.  We are  continuing with our work on "personal narrative" writing and are learning many new reading strategies for decoding new words and for reading with fluency. In math, we are playing lots of games to practice addition and subtraction and we are learning how to explain our mathematical thinking and reasoning.  Madame Sarah was away this week at a national ringette tournament and we look forward to having her back with us for her final three weeks of practicum. 

Solar eclipse chalk art! 

These turned out pretty cool!

We tried our hand at threading yarn though holes in a paper plate to create....

...beautiful spring flowers!

Practicing subtraction skills though games

Playing games is a great way to practice and reinforce math skills and concepts.

Syllable puzzles

Rain Rain 1A 23-24.MOV

A fun video from music class: "Rain, Rain, Go Away." They added instruments to make it sound like it was raining! 

The iPad centre continues to be a favourite!

April 5, 2024: This week we decorated our bulletin board with a seasonal art projects referencing April fool's day (known as "poisson d'avril in French.)  We created fish collages  and the children should be very proud of these beautiful and colourful works of art!  We are continuing with a Lucy Calkins' unit of study on personal narrative writing (les petits moments.) In math, we are working on subtraction and mental math strategies.  All of this combined with some new math and literacy centers made for a busy week!  

"Mon poisson joue dans son bocal."

Nos poissons d'avril!

Working on subtraction with Mme Sarah!

Math centre time!

Team work! 

Math games with friends! 

March 21, 2024: We continued to focus on personal narrative writing, vocabulary for methods of transportation and addition and subtraction in math. We are practicing "mental" math strategies.  We have also begun learning about "la cabane à sucre" and the traditions of maple syrup production. We enjoyed "The Music Man" concert on Monday and our skate on Wednesday! Have a great March break

100 chart centre success! We are great at recognizing patterns in the 100 chart now!

Domino addition game

We celebrated a late Saint Patrick's Day on March 18

We have been celebrating French month at Sherwood. Here we are searching for flags around the school to discover a secret message.

We enjoyed the Michael Pendergast concert in French!

Everyone had a great time dancing and singing in French!

Je lèche la palette à la cabane à sucre.

Marker drawings

Je lèche la palette à la cabane à sucre.

Tasting maple syrup! Yum!

Thanks to Mme Crevier for helping us out with this maple syrup tasting activity!

Purple day for epilepsy awareness

March 15, 2024:  We created some abstract art this week and gave it a Saint Patrick's day flavour by creating leprechaun mazes! The children seemed to really enjoy this activity! I enjoyed meeting with you this week during Parent teacher conferences. I am so pleased with all of the progress the children have made so far this year! Please keep reading at home, as it makes such a difference!

Great job reading the morning announcements from Mr. Grimmer's office!

The first day of school after daylight savings time begins is a great day for a pajama day! We had some tired students!

Reading with a "buddy"

Independent reading time

Madame Sarah teaching some new vocabulary words

Book Fair is always exciting!

Everyone loves the book fair!

Un labyrinthe bien coloré

Leprechaun mazes!

We wrapped up our unit on Healthy eating with a French presentation about nutrition in the gym.

March 8, 2024:  This week we had lots of fun skating at Cody Banks! We also played quite a few new games to reinforce the addition strategies and skills we have been practicing in class. We will soon be moving on to learning about subtraction and personal narrative writing.

We are working hard to speak French during class. The gumball machines are filling up!

A reading game with Mme Sarah!

Some Playdoh fun during an indoor recess last week.

Making lots of interesting things!

Skating fun at Cody Banks! 

March 1, 2024:  The highlight of this week was the 100th day of school which was celebrated on Tuesday! We marked this special day with some fun activities and some "100-themed" play-based learning centers. We are wrapping up our unit on healthy eating and Canada's Food guide and will soon begin doing some "personal narrative" writing. In math, we are working on addition to 12 and will be moving on to subtraction within 12 soon. We also celebrated "Pink Shirt Day" this week and enjoyed a "cultural diversity" assembly in the gym! 

Day 100 is a big deal in Grade 1

      What can you make with "100?"        A cat!

A snowman!


A car!

A cat and a dog! 

A ninja!

A snowman and a face with eyeglasses!

Building with 100 cups

Completing the 100s pocket chart!

What can you make with 100 mosaic tiles?

Challenge to write 100 words!

Of course, we had to have a little treat!

Building with 100 magnetic tiles

What can you make with 100 blocks?

100th day dance break! 

Tower successfully completed! 

I spied some cool cats while on recess duty!

100th day of school projects!

Great job on these!

Pink shirt day!

Diversity assembly

February 23, 2024:  We had a great week at school! We are discussing healthy eating and Canada's Food Guide. Our new math concept is "Number bonds of 10/ Les amis de 10."This week we learned some new games to practice combinations of numbers that make 10.  Making 10 is an important benchmark, and will help the children with mental math as well as with the addition and subtraction of larger numbers.  

We played a version of "musical desks" and categorized different types of food.

The students enjoyed this activity!

We are looking for healthy food choices in the grocery store flyers. Thank you to those who sent these in!

Creating a collage of "Healthy choices" and " Foods enjoy less often."

Cutting grocery store flyers to make a collage

Madame Sarah has begun teaching some lessons

Making 10 "Go Fish" card game

"Pige dans le lac pour faire 10"

February 16, 2024: We had a busy week! We had wrapped up our work on "la description" last week, but didn't have a chance to share with our friends in the other Grade 1 class until recently. It was fun to share writing with friends! We are now discussing healthy eating and Canada's food guide before beginning our next writing unit. We enjoyed celebrating Valentine's Day and Winter Wellness Day are enjoying getting to know "Madame Sarah," our pre-service teacher from UPEI. 

Sharing our writing with friends from Mme Rogerson's class

Sharing with 1B

Authors sharing their work

Threaded hearts for Valentine's Day.

Great job! 

"Magic hearts" sight word practice

Valentine's Day literacy centers

Playing some additon games!

Preparing Valentine's day envelopes

Valentine's Day Bingo and vocabulary practice.

Joyeuse Saint-Valentin! 

Lots of Valentine cards and treats! Wow!

Winter Wellness Day!

Some extra time spent playing outside

Winter fun!

Winter wellness day!

February 9, 2024:  It was a very short school week, but we did what we could! We created some lovely valentine art, discussed Chinese New Year, and   have begun a transdisciplinary unit (health, social studies, art, science) on healthy living. Over the next couple of weeks we will discuss ways to keep our bodies healthy.  We continue with addition in math and are working on reading and writing daily. We will be welcoming Madame Sarah Legault (a pre-service teacher from UPEI) to our classroom on February 12. Madame Sarah will be with us until May and will be  working with students and taking on many teaching responsibilities  during her time here.  The 100th day of school is fast approaching! Please check the yellow duotang for information about a special project which will be due at the end of the month. 

Addition practice with number lines and frogs! Jumping ahead from a given number.

Addition work with friends!

Practicing addtion doubles with a new game

Doubles "Bump!" game

"Sewing" Valentine hearts with paper plates and yarn.

A great activity for hand-eye co-ordination and fine motor practice.

February  2, 2024:  We continue to work with addition doubles this week and have learned some new games to practice these. We have wrapped up our unit on descriptive writing and will soon share our books with the 1B class. We discussed Groundhog  Day (Jour de la Marmotte) and are excited that Shubenacadie Sam has predicted an early spring. We will see if her prediction is correct in the upcoming weeks.  We are encouraging everyone to speak French in class and many are really making a good effort in this area! Bravo!

Illustrating some addition doubles facts

More work with addition doubles

A new game for practicing our sight words

"J'écris la salle: voyelle é"

Candyland game with sight words

We continue to reinforce representing numbers in different ways. Here we have representing numbers on the 50 chart with domino cards. 

Addition doubles game

Reinforcing addition doubles facts with a friend

January 23, 2024: We are continuing with the descriptive text writing genre for the rest of the month and into February. We finished up the descriptions of our penguins and everyone did a great job. We are now working on books and writing a description of a person we know. I am very pleased with how well the students are following the outline of the information required for a descriptive text. They are also doing great at applying the strategies we have learned for writing an unknown word. Bravo!  In math, we are working on addition to 12 and have learned about addition "doubles facts." Knowing these doubles is essential for some of the mental math we will be practicing later this winter. Students now have a book in their homework bag that they can practice reading at home. I think you will be impressed with all of the progress they have made so far this year! 

Listening centre

Finding the hidden words with a magnifying glass

Building words with our magnetic letters and cookie sheets

Another group enjoying a round of sight word Jenga

Completed descriptions of our penguins. Bravo! 

"Petit Noir" par Charlotte

"Owen" par Lauren

"Voici mon manchot"  par Ruby

"Le manchot" par Henry

"Mon manchot" par Ammie

"Mon manchot" par David

Working on our art project scrapbooks!

January 19 2024:  This week we continued with the writing genre that we began prior to Christmas: "la description/descriptive writing." We had fun with a directed drawing lesson of a cute penguin and then described it using the descriptive writing structure. I will share the completed projects with you next week as the writing part is still in progress.  We will continue with this genre for the remainder of January with the goal of being authors and creating our own books! We decorated our classroom with some wintery mittens and hats. We  have begun exploring a new math unit on addition and subtraction to/and within 12. We will be practicing lots of strategies for adding and subtracting. 

Our wintery hats and mittens!

Counting larger groups of objects by 2,5,10

Bakery Shop 1A 23-24.MOV

A video from music class! 

Writing sight words with friends

Reading with our friends from Grade 5/6Z

"Write the Room" continues to be a popular literacy centre. This week we were finding and writing words with the vowel "e" sound.

Sight word " Jenga!"

We are speaking more French in class and tracking our progress!

We completed a "directed drawing" activity this week! 

We are writing about our penguin and this will continue into next week

Working together to make "trains" of different ways to represent a number

Bravo! These girls found all of the ways to represent the number 7 using two colours.

January 12, 2024: Happy New Year! We had a busy week getting back into the routine of school after a fun holiday break. We have been learning and practicing winter vocabulary, continuing to work with numbers to 100 and placing a greater effort to communicate in French during class time.  We had lots of discussion and worked on our oral language development. We will soon begin a math unit on addition and subtraction to 12 and will continue with writing descriptive texts.  We finished the week with some winter art!

We discussed and wrote about winter activities. 

"J'aime pêcher sur la glace." Ellie

"Jaime faire un bonhomme de neige." Jensen

"J'aime jouer au hockey" Liam

We enjoyed drawing a winter scene with oil pastels.

Artists at work!

"Avec un ami sur la banquise" David



We have been enjoying skip counting and moving at the same time!

Painting some wintery hats and mittens

Painting fun

"Swat it!" number recognition game

December 22, 2023: We celebrated the last week of school before the holidays with some special theme days and a school skate on Friday. Joyeuses Fêtes!

Red, green and white day!

Holiday headwear day!

Mrs. Doiron was a special guest reader on Tuesday!

Plenty of candygrams were delivered to our class!

School Spirit Day!

Pajama Day!

Lots of fun at the school skate! 

Some cozy hot chocolate after a chilly recess!

Sherwood Spirit Week

December 15, 2023: Lots of photos to see this week! Our highlight was definitely the holiday concert on Wednesday! It was certainly exciting and I am very proud of all of the children and of their excellent performance! We are busy at school doing some Christmas writing and working with numbers up to 100 in French. We finished the week with a visit to Stonepark to watch some French Christmas plays. Thank you to Mme Carver and her Grade 8 students for inviting us! We look forward to next week and the special "school spirit" days. We will be skating on Friday! It is sure to be a fun and exciting week at school! 

Our reading is progressing well! We practice daily. Great job!

Finger painting some cute Santas for our hallway

Finger painted snowflakes for our Santas

iPad centre (grapho game)

Some new math centres. Working together to assemble the number puzzles.

"4 in a row" centre with the 100s chart

Working with the 50s chart in different ways

Math stamping centre

J'écris la salle

Trees for the gym walls

Concert decorations

Our hallway is looking very festive these days!

Concert rehearsal

Getting ready for our concert

Matinee performance for the school

Concert night and looking spiffy!

A great performance! Bravo!

Visit to Stonepark Intermediate

Thank you for the invitation (and the candy canes,) Grade 8 students! 

December 8, 2023:  We are busily preparing for our concert and look forward to presenting it to you on Wednesday evening! We wrapped up a descriptive text this week and started some new literacy and math centre rotations. We traded in our 50s chart for the 100s chart which was very exciting!

We created some lovely painted trees to decorate our classroom and gym.

The students are enjoying stamping sight words during literacy centres

Madame's Christmas Playmobil has been a popular morning tub choice this week!

10 fame and number-matching cup stacking centre

Sight word puzzles

We have been enjoying some special Christmas morning tub activities

We completed a "directed drawing" of a reindeer, and then wrote a description.

Nos beaux rennes!

December 1, 2023: This week we turned the calendar page to December! With that, we are learning about the vocabulary associated with the celebration of Christmas.  We have begun a unit on descriptive writing, and  completed a "directed drawing" of a reindeer. The students followed the French directions very well and are proud of their final product. Students will describe this reindeer in written form next week. In math we continue to group objects to count by 2, 5 and 10. We decked our halls with some holiday art and are practicing for our concert, which will take place on Dec 13. We are really looking forward to it! 

Grouping objects to count

Making groups of 5 and 10

Recess buddies

10 frame cup matching game

Completing the 50s pocket chart

Rolling to try and get exactly 20 eyes on the monster (counting on activity)

Working together to complete 50s chart puzzles

Sharing our writing with a friend!

"Jaime ma famille" student writing

"Jaime ma famille" student writing

Directed drawing

We will use these reindeer as a prompt for writing next week.

November 24, 2023: It was a busy week of review and practice. We are getting more comfortable with the numbers 1-50 in French and have been practicing skip counting by 2,5,10 every day! We continued writing about our families and are reading every day both individually and with a partner. Madame is really happy with the progress everyone is making with the sight word cards! We finished the week with a pajama day. A friendly reminder to please check your child's homework bag on a regular basis for notes, party invitations, school photos etc. It was great to meet with all of you during parent-teacher conferences. Have a great week! 

Counting objects by making groups of 2,5 and 10

Counting groups of objects by 5

Literacy centre reading games

We are enjoying the Chromebooks and iPads during centre time

Working together to complete the assignment at the listening centre

Great progress on the sight word cards! Bravo!

50s chart puzzles

Using our knowledge of patterns in the 50s chart to complete puzzles

A sleepy bunch on pajama day!

PJ twins! 

November 17, 2023:  This was a very short week due to Remembrance Day and the Teacher's Convention.  We enjoyed learning about families this week.  Each child is writing a book about their individual family. It is amazing to see how far they have come  with their writing since September! In math, we are focusing on skip counting by 2,5,10 and on counting groups of objects in different ways.  We have have been noticing various patterns in the number chart (up to 50.)  It is getting chilly outside. Don't forget to send a warm jacket, mittens and a hat.  If your child has difficulty fastening their jacket independently, please do some practice at home. It will make things much faster at recess and dismissal.  I really  look forward to meeting with you next week for parent-teacher conferences.  This week was short, so all of the photos are of math centres! I'll have more variety next week. 

These boys worked hard to complete their math clip cards as a team. Bravo!

Stamping centre: recognizing different representations of numbers to 50

Representing numbers with popsicle sticks

We have been getting familiar with the 50 chart and have noticed that it contains many patterns!

Counting objects in different ways

Representing numbers!

November 10, 2023:  We hope you enjoy our beautiful November poppy art. It was fun to create! It's been yet another short but busy week! This week we learned about Remembrance Day (le Jour du Souvenir) and took part in a meaningful virtual Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday.  We have also been learning and practicing the French names for different fruits and vegetables. In math we are counting to 50 in different ways and have been exploring the patterns in the 50 chart.  

Reinforcing letter sounds through games

Working together

Listening centre

Painting red poppies

Adding tissue paper centers to the poppies

Je me souviens

We created a second poppy art project this week. A collage of various paper shapes.

Jolis coqulicots!

Jersey Day!

Riptide softball was well-represented on Jersey day! 

Each day we are taking some time to explore books independently...

...and with a partner!

November 3, 2023: We had a busy week with Halloween, a pajama day and our field trip to Victoria Park! 

So many great costumes! Happy Halloween!

Halloween dance party

Making progress with the sight word cards

Halloween Bingo on the 31st.

Play-doh sight words

Sweet Halloween cookies

Zip! Zap! A new letter sound game

Pajama day!

Victoria Park

A chilly, but beautiful morning!

October 27, 2023:  A busy week with book fair, lockdown practice and lots of Halloween vocabulary review. We continue to write daily and work on our reading and writing skills by practicing sounds and syllables. The weather is getting chilly, so please remember to dress for the weather. I'm still looking for headphones, but will start our literacy centres with iPads and Chromebooks anyway. Please send these in as soon as possible if you haven't already. We are looking forward to Halloween next week! 

Math centre clip cards

Playing a math game with friends

Representing numbers in different ways

Count the room centre: Finding and recording the numbers that are hidden around the room

Number wheels math centre

Math games with a friend!

Subitizing math game

Pige dans le lac!

Puzzle centre success!

Lots of games with partners to reinforce skills we have learned in class.

October 20, 2023:  This week we completed an art project for the spooky season ahead. We created watercolour-resist spider webs. While the paint was wet, we sprinkled on some salt. The salt absorbed the water from the paint, leaving behind a cool sparkle effect. We continue to work through our review of the alphabet sounds using our new program. We are also practicing writing sounds and syllables with various vowel and consonant combinations. In math, we are continuing with our work with numbers to 20. This week the focus was on the "teen numbers." Many of these can be tricky to name in French. It was a great week!

Painting our spider web art projects

Spooky spider webs! 

Belles toiles d'araignées!

Watercolour resist art projects

We have been practicing how to "log on" to our Chromebooks. An exercise in patience and perseverance! Once all of the earphones, have come in, we can start using the Chromebooks for math and literacy centers.

Our beautiful fall leaf art projects

We did some reading with our Grade 5/6 Z friends.

It was fun to read with an older student!

Everyone seemed to enjoy this activity

October 13, 2023:  We had a busy week.  Math and literacy centres are in full swing. We continue to work on representing numbers to 20 and learned about "1 and 2 more than" and "1 and 2 less than" a given number. We are learning to write a proper sentence with fall vocabulary words, paying attention to capitals, punctuation, spacing and proper letter formation.  We created some beautiful fall art. I will share a photo of our display next week once it has dried! We had a couple of special presentations this week as well. All in all, a great week! 

Earth Rangers Assembly

We learned about conservation and learned about some pretty amazing animals.

We had a safety presentation from Constable Jana Vessey.

Painting fall branches

Painting fall leaves with cotton ball stamps

Beautiful work! 

October 7, 2023: Our focus this week was Thanksgiving. We discussed what we are thankful for, learned some new songs and created a class booklet.  We continue to work on representing numbers in various ways and introduced the concept of "one more than," and "two more than" in math.  Our literacy and math centers are up and running and the children are enjoying these activities each day. We enjoyed Friday's Thanksgiving assembly and were an excellent audience for the Grade 2 performers. The school was able to make a very generous gift of food to the Upper Room food bank. Thank you for your donations! 

Math Centers: Tourne, trouve et tamponne

Finding different ways to represent a given number

Playdoh math centre

Math stamping centre

Litercay centre: Alphabet mazes

Working together to come up with the answer!

Literacy centre success! Matching the uppercase with the lowercase letter.

Girls collaborating during math centre time. Bravo!

Je dis "merci" pour...

Je dis "merci" pour...

September 29, 2023:  It's hard to believe that September is over already. We had a great week of learning. Please check out the photos below to see what we have been up to in class! 

We have been beginning our days with "morning tubs" a nice soft start to ease into our day.

Les bacs du matin

Working on writing sentences with proper capitalization, spacing and punctuation.

We have been pr.acticing proper letter formation with clipboards on the carpet

Orange shirt day

Your donations to the food bank are appreciated! Items may be donated until Thursday, Oct 5.

We have begun our literacy centers. The first round focuses on alphabet review.

Alphabet literacy centres

On Day 4, Mrs. Swan teaches us the "Second Step" program (social-emotional learning curriculum with focus on problem-solving, empathy and managing emotions.)

Morning calendar routine

September 22, 2023: Another busy week at school practicing our letter sounds and printing our letters and numbers. Just for fun, we even made numbers out of play doh yesterday! This is great practice as well as a fine-motor activity.  We have also been working on "school related" vocabulary, sentence writing and how to represent numbers in different ways.  On Thursday, we had our annual Terry Fox run at Rosedale Park. It was a lot of fun! 

Mme Lisa, a literacy coach from the PSB, has been in a couple of times this week. She is helping me to implement our new reading program. 

We are practicing how to represent numbers in different ways

It was fun to use the little white boards.

Play doh numbers...great for fine motor development!

We are reviewing how to write a proper sentence. Writing the sounds we hear and taking note of punctuation. 

Terry Fox Run! 

Our class raised $40.36 for the Terry Fox Foundation. Thank you for your donations.

It was fun to run at Rosedale Park!

September, 15, 2023:  Our first full week of school was a busy one! We reviewed our letter sounds, the colours,  continued working on counting sets of objects to 20, and finished our school mascot art projects. They look beautiful in the classroom. We also had fire drill practice and had school photos taken. We had a great week!

We made some sweet foxes out of paper plates. The fox is our school mascot!

Painting our plates orange

Painting fun

"C'est mon portrait"

Our self-portraits turned out great!

We learned a French card game: "Pige dans le lac."

Reviewing colours and practicing French with cards

Picture day! 

Sharing our books with friends

Setember 11, 2023:  We had a great first week of school! We had fun getting to know one another and completed a couple of cute art projects! I will post photos next week after I receive all of the "media permission" forms. I hope to see all of you at the "Meet the Staff" evening tomorrow night. BBQ at 5:00 and a chance to visit our classroom at 6:00 and 6:15.  Ahead of tomorrow night, please read the "Meet the Teacher" and "Important information" under the  "Parent" tab.  Have a great week!

September "Back to School" message:

Dear Parents,

Bonjour! Welcome to the beginning of your child’s Grade One year in French Immersion. While it is hard to say good bye to summer, I do love the excitement that a new school year brings. I am happy to have the opportunity to work with each of you and to get to know you and your child as the year progresses. 

 You will find that the components and expectations in Grade One are slightly different from those in Kindergarten. It may take your child a few days or weeks to settle in. You may also notice that they may be quite tired at the end of the day. You can help with this by establishing an early bed time to ensure they are well rested for school.

Please ensure that all of your child’s belongings are  labeled with their name and keep a complete change of clothing (including socks and underwear) in your child’s backpack.

 It is important for your child can be as independent as possible when it comes to getting ready to go outdoors, so reviewing how to tie laces and fasten jackets and bags would be very helpful

We continue to be a peanut and nut free school. Please check all labels on any food before sending it to school with your child.   

The school doors open at 8:25, and classes will begin promptly at 8:40. Lunch is from 11:20 to 11:45 followed by  recess from 11:45-12:10. Afternoon recess is from 1:20-1:30 and dismissal is at 2:40.  Please send a note on days where there are changes to your child’s usual after school routine.

I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I believe that it is very important that we work as a team to find solutions to problems (large or small) that your child may encounter.  If you have any concerns, please contact me. I am available after school from 2:40 to 4:00pm and try to check my email several times throughout the day. 

I am looking forward to a wonderful school year, "en français!"


Jillian Marchbank

School phone: 902 368-6780